Monday, March 3, 2008

Solution to Adsense Image Ad Not showing in Blogger

This tweak can be useful for displaying the image ads in blogger blog post. If you have pasted the code perfectly and then also the image ads not appear on your blog posts then use the following ways to display it correctly.

When I had added adsense code on my blog post, a different kind of ad displayed it was not image ads neither text ads. So I used the following codes to help display image ad on my blog post at blogger.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

01)Go to your Blogger account and sign in then click on "Layout" section and then on "Edit HTML" and search for Google Adsense code (Ctrl + F, for Mozilla and IE users).
Now delete the following lines from your adsense ad code, I have shown here an example.

And after you delete the characters highlighted in yellow color, it should look like this .

Now your image adsense displaying problem is solved.
02)If you think the first method might violate the Google Adsense TOS, then you can use this solution. In your adsense ad code make the following changes

Change the characters highlighted in yellow and replace with the characters shown below

Problem solved now enjoy and start earning money.

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